Doctor Austin Boyd is a data analyst at the American Reading Company (ARC). He works directly for the Vice President of Research and Evaluation, performing data cleaning and statistical analysis on K-12 student reading scores for validity, efficacy, and linking studies involving the Independent Reading Level Assessment (IRLA), a formative reading assessment for K-12 students that is used nationwide. Dr. Boyd is also currently employed by the University of Tennessee - Knoxville, where he serves as an adjunct professor in the Evaluation, Statistics, and Methodology program in the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies department teaching graduate level courses.

Austin graduated from the University of Tennessee Knoxville in May 2022, earning his doctorate in Evaluation, Statistics, and Methodology with a minor in Statistics. Prior to attending the University of Tennessee, he earned his BA in Psychology with a minor in Biology from the University of Virginia in May 2018.

Throughout undergrad and graduate school, Austin worked as a statistics tutor for graduate and undergraduate students, a research and teaching assistant in evaluation and statistics based courses, and occasionally, a substitute teacher in Title I elementary schools.

While attending the University of Tennessee, Austin was also involved in student government, serving as the Graduate Student Senate's (GSS) Legislative Steering Chair and Senate President, during the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years, respectively. During his time in the GSS he served on a number of university action committees, including the University Leadership Council, Title IX Action Collaborative, and the Commission for Disability, which he was a founding member of.

Austin has several published peer reviewed articles and has presented at a number of national and international conferences. For a list of publications and presentations see the Publications and Presentations tabs.

Currently, Austin lives in the St. Petersburg area with his wife, Katy, and their two beagle mixes. His wife is a graduate student in the University of South Florida’s Doctor of Physical Therapy program and a Second Lieutenant in the Army Inactive Reserves.